Beaver Stadium Address


NOTICE: Public transport can often be busier than normal at times around major events. Please plan accordingly. We usually recommend taxi as the easiest and most stress free option getting to Beaver Stadium as it is eliminates all parking and most public transport problems.

For the convenience of visitors, CATA shuttle buses are provided along South Atherton Street, Downton State College, and Beaver Stadium (the corner of Curtin Road and University Drive).


» Shuttles will begin services three hours before kickoff for games starting before 5:00 p.m. Where else, shuttles will be in operation 5 hours before kickoff for games starting at 5:00 p.m. Return shuttle services are run continuously from kickoff until one hour after the game is over.

» Shuttles operate in both directions. It takes approximately ten minutes per bus to arrive before the game and every twenty minutes during the game.

» Following the game, shuttles run continuously one-way from Beaver Stadium.

» All shuttle buses are fully-accessible and the fare is $1.75 (exact fare only) each way.

» All existing discounted CATABUS Community Service fare options such as CATABUS ONE PASSES, tokens, and Senior Citizen ID cards etc. are also now accepted as fare.

» Individuals presenting a valid U.S. Medicare Card, or a CATA Reduced Fare Identification Card may ride for less than half the fare ($.85).



Beaver Stadium,
1 Beaver Stadium,
University Park,
Pennsylvania 16802,
United States


If you are arriving by car there are parking options available, but please allow sufficient time to as parking at the time of major events can often be busy.

To find out more, please read the parking information page.